Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 A simple photographic technique continues to amaze me. Taking a self-portrait while looking into a mirror. It can be done with an iPhone or any cameras including a DSLR. Why does a reverse image reflection generally look better than a flat 2D selfie? I suppose there's more distortion with a 2D image, but there's a bit of illusion and magic with the mirror. Illusions. It's somewhat the same when using a wide-angle or fisheye lens. The results are magical.  

Given my age, I'm happy to embrace the illusion and magic. See photos below. I was looking into a mirror as I took the photographs of myself (with both the iPhone and a Canon DSLR). Trust me, they are better than the normal "selfies" these days. I've even written about this somewhat previously (search 'The Looking Glass' in this blog). 

It's good to remember that most things aren't always as they seem. Magic and illusion are part of everything...not just photographs. 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

80th Anniversary of D-Day #DDay80

 Tomorrow, June 6, 2024, is the 80th anniversary of the world’s largest amphibious operation, led by land, air, and sea forces of the Allied Armies during World War II. The D-Day Landings in Normandy, France ultimately led to the liberation of France and Europe, preserving freedom and defeating Hitler’s Nazi regime. The Battle of Normandy, codename “Operation Overlord”, lasted from June 6, 1944 to August 30, 1944, with the liberation of Paris on August 25, 1944.

The loss of life on D-Day was catastrophic. Over 4,400 Allied troops were killed, with more than 5,000 wounded. The Battle of Normandy saw 73,000 Allied forces killed, and 153,000 wounded. The numbers are unimaginable. 

The last few days have seen celebrations and remembrances begin along the Normandy coast. Veterans from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Poland, Australia, and France made their way to honor and remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice. 

I’ve followed much of the proceedings online. It has been heartwarming and so moving to see the number of D-Day veterans who have been able to make the journey; also notable…witnessing the warm welcome and respect those brave individuals have received. The surviving number of WWII veterans is dwindling, with this special celebration likely to be the last the world will see of any who served at that time. How different life would be today if not for them.

Last year, I was fortunate to visit the Normandy coast of France. I stood overlooking the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc; reflected silently at the beauty and serenity of the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, where nearly 9,400 US soldiers are buried; and I walked along Omaha Beach, experiencing the peaceful surroundings and unable to imagine the horrors of June 6, 1944. I’ve shared some of my photographs below. Someday I will return. 

We must never forget our veterans and their sacrifice. Cherish the memories of those still amongst us, honor the sacrifices of those who are not. It is with good reason they are known as being part of ‘The Greatest Generation’. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Third of June...

 Growing up in the south at the time I did, one knew this song. The imagery and lyrics were lived; the voice was as familiar as our own mamas and next door neighbors calling us to eat dinner (not lunch, and supper was later). The haunting music and storyline leave all listeners (southern or not) guessing at the meaning. 

Why did Billie Joe jump? What exactly did they throw off that bridge?

We wondered about the answers, coming up with our own guesses to make it fit while listening to the song on the rolled down in the old car, dust kicking up from the tires as the hot, thick air of summer arrived and ultimately overstayed its welcome. Guesses didn't make facts. 

Only Bobbie Gentry knows the answers. 

"It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day..."

'Ode to Billie Joe' ~ Written and Performed by Bobbie Gentry

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mama Said

 William Shakespeare must have endured quite an unpleasant experience for him to write 'Othello'. I do find myself referencing the characters in the play (too often!) whenever I encounter those 'types'...ones who manipulate and are destructive, and those who fall victim to them. 

How many real and current 'Iago' characters spin through that revolving door of life, targeting and playing on every stupid, vain and insecure 'Othello', while each 'Desdemona', 'Emilia', and 'Cassio' fall victim to the deceit? 

Mama said there'd be days like this...and it's been one of them. Life gives them to you; but tomorrow is another day. Insert a hopeful, happy face emoji. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Funky Broadway

 I just recently discovered there was/is a dance called 'The Funky Broadway' from the 1960s...sort of like the 'Hustle' of the 1970s. Dances that involved certain moves, performed in groups for fun. Think Bump, Twist, Charleston, Line, Square, Shimmy, Robot, Swing, etc. Each had its own era. But 'The Funky Broadway'? 

A Netflix documentary of the musical group Cowsills included a song of theirs that played over the closing credits. It's called 'Some Good Years' and it's a great, great song! Having never heard of it, I watched the Youtube video. Not only was I mesmerized by the song, I was amazed at the dancing moves of the youngest band member, Susan. While I assumed she was a naturally talented dancer at around eight years of age, she was actually dancing 'The Funky Broadway' which was apparently dance moves that originated to a song of the same name. I guess. I just read the comments sometimes. Anyway, the group's history is a somewhat tragic one, so this wonderful song seems a bit of a surprise. 

I thought I'd share the song below; while the quality of the video isn't great, the song is perfect. Be impressed by the various clips of a young Susan's dance moves. 

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