Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Face Masks

As the country takes steps to lift stay-at-home orders, it's difficult to believe that anything will ever be the same as we've known it. The future is about change and adjustment, compromise and being accommodating. Wearing face masks in public is the new normal, at least for the foreseeable future. 

Kudos to those who have made and donated masks; some of us are selling them, as well. Those provided via Pixels/Fine Art America are made from images created by artists on that site. All products are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Below is a sampling of some of mine that are available; full resolution and the entire product line can be found at For masks, click on the apparel link at the top on the home page. 

Many thanks, as always, and please be safe, diligent, and kind. 



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I haven't shared a short story in quite some time, and I'm happy I finally finished this one, entitled  Precipice ....