Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Upcoming Book Signing


I've been invited by the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver, Colorado to participate in a quick book signing on Sunday, November 28th at 3pm. This will be at the Aspen Grove location. Copies of my books, Williamsburg Hill and Daniel's Esperanza, will be available for purchase. I'm looking forward to getting things going again after this too-long hiatus, and appreciate the invitation from this great bookstore. 

Also, it wouldn't be the holidays with me trying to sell my work in a blog post, so here it goes again. In addition to the appearance on November 28th, my books and photographs/art are always available for purchase either in bookstores, big box retailers that sell books, my websites, or elsewhere online.  Below are some screenshots of recent photos I've added to my Fine Art America page; currently a 20% sale is running on all purchases. Check it out at www.veronica-batterson.pixels.com

Hopefully, all of this will push me into starting (or finally finishing) projects that have been hanging around. It has been tough to get motivated. Which brings up something else. If you enjoy a person's work, then say it, promote it, encourage it, give it open and high reviews, share it. By doing this, more people find out about it, more sales are made, more opportunities happen, and it gives the author (artist, photographer) encouragement and a reason to continue. Writing is a solitary business. Writing a book can take a very long time; getting a book published can take years. Knowing that something you've dedicated this much time to doing is actually getting read can be the instigator for creating the next one. If enough people gave it a public shout-out, the opportunities could be phenomenal...book deals, agents, and/or movie options come to mind. We all need a little help. Be kind. Thanks, as always, for reading.

Keep up with my work here, or on my website at www.veronicabatterson.com.

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I haven't shared a short story in quite some time, and I'm happy I finally finished this one, entitled  Precipice ....