Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow in Chicagoland...Finally

I wondered if it was ever going to happen.  Not only has there been no snow (well, I think some weather guy said we'd had about an inch so far), the grass remained relatively green.  Some flowering shrubs were starting to bud...I noticed this on a few lilac bushes yesterday.  Temperatures lately have been as high as the upper 50s and Christmas without snow just didn't seem like Christmas.

I grew up in the southeastern part of the country and remember mild winters with very little snow, if any.  Until about 18 years ago, which was the time I moved "up north",  I was used to celebrating the holidays without snow.  In fact any sign of the white stuff down south usually sent folks running for milk and a loaf of bread. I always thought that was a bit funny anyway.  Why just a loaf of bread and milk?  It might be a good idea to pick up a few other things too...just in case.   

Last year, however, it seemed parts of the south received as much snow as we did in Chicago...until the big one in February.  The Blizzard of 2011 was the most snow at one time I've ever seen.  The morning after brought a clear blue sky and mountains of white.  Drifts were high.  One side of our house blocked a snow drift over seven feet tall.  It took us all day to dig ourselves out and, once we had, I didn't care if I ever saw snow again.

Funny how time fades the intensity of events.  As I gaze at how beautiful falling snow looks, especially as it gathers on the giant spruce trees that line our yard, I'll use the day to work on my next book. But I should keep in mind that about a year ago, visiting a nice beach sounded pretty good to me.

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