Friday, June 23, 2023

A Woman's Voice

 "A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult."  -  Melinda Gates, Philanthropist

I continue to struggle with finding my voice. Much of it has to do with self-doubt and allowing myself to be intimidated. The fear of making someone angry and the deep seated need to keep the peace, and that my silence will ensure it, controls me. I allow myself to be suppressed, even though I grew up full of questions about the world. I promised myself it would be different for me; sadly I failed at achieving that goal. I enable other people's insecurities and inferiorities into bullying me and controlling my actions. Silence is my accountability.

My voice is loud in my published books and short stories. In this, I am proud. When I write, I'm unleashing the voice. Expressions. Stories. Feelings. Thinking. Questions. Descriptions. Loud. Soft. 

While I continue to work on the latest book, the four below remain available. My voice is heard through the many characters waiting to tell readers a story. I appreciate all who have read them and listened to their stories. 

Williamsburg Hill. Daniel's Esperanza. Funny Pages. Billy's First Dance. All are available on Amazon or can be ordered through your local bookstore. The short stories, and eleven years worth of blog posts here are my voice. Mine. Once again, thank you to those regulars and those who drop in every now and then. Shout-outs, shares, recommendations, and recognition are appreciated.

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I haven't shared a short story in quite some time, and I'm happy I finally finished this one, entitled  Precipice ....